I am not going to pretend that someone else made this site and say, "Malia Grace Miyashiro-Harmon knew at a young age that she wanted to be a costume designer." .  I mean, I did... fourteen to be exact, but that's not the point.  So here's a little about myself...

I went to SFSU and got a degree in Theater Arts / Costume Design.  I have designed for film, web, theater, circus, and whatever is in-between.  I have designed contemporary costumes, period costumes, stylized high fashion meant to feel period costumes, dealt with specialized military uniforms, no costumes ("here is a dance belt for you sir."), costumes that move, costumes that breakaway, costumes that blend in.  I have worked in every aspect of the Costume Dept, from Designer to Set...with a little aging and distressing on the side.  Aging and distressing of costumes of course, not me personally!  Most importantly, I love collaborating with the director and actors, to help them create characters though costumes.

As much as I love designing and working with costumes, I do love my home life.  When not busy working, "you can find Malia hanging with her husband, dog, and two cats.".  And hanging from a trapeze.  That's right, I'm also an avid circus enthusiast.  I can hold those garment bags AND myself all while hanging upside down by one knee.  And traveling.  I love to travel.  That's all.


Thanks for checking out my site.